The RosettaHub Difference

Onboard users in seconds
Provision and assign cloud accounts to users or projects in seconds.

Anonymise users and comply with GDPR
Provision anonymous cloud accounts. Comply fully with EU and UK GDPR.

Control cloud costs and resources live
Get live accounting based on real-time monitoring of cloud resources and reduce risks of cloud overspend

Decentralise management
Easily delegate management rights and allow anyone to manage cloud accounts, users, sub-organizations etc.

Integrate RosettaHub seamlessly
Use the RosettaHub unified cloud APIs and CLI to access hundreds of functionalities. Enable Single Single Sign-On with SAML 2.0, LDAP, Oauth etc.

Create and enforce custom UIs
Create custom perspectives and dashboards for cloud accounts, cloud resources, costs, users, organizations etc.

Migrate easily from one cloud to another
Avoid vendor lock-in and move freely across clouds.

Collaborate and share in a few clicks
Share meta-cloud artefacts with fine grained access control, including cloud machines and storages.
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